Monday, February 28, 2011

United or Untied Nations?

This about says it all. I think we should say bye-bye to the U.N.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

American Hero

Now here is a true American hero!  Once a sniper, always a sniper.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

$200-$400 Oil?

I would hope not, but we all should pay close attention to Lybia and Saudi Arabia. Not to say Egypt (Suez Canal), Yemin and Bahrain are not players as well.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Obama's 2012 Budget

Obama spoke to the American people and told us that his new budget was not adding to the National debt. Take a look at this video and just see how much really is added to the debt.

For an example, if your monthly budget was $2000 and you reduced your budget the same percentage that Obama lowered the Federal budget, your monthly budget would be $1999.94. That's right, you only lowered your budget by 6 cents. So don't believe that he is doing much buy reducing the budget by $100 billion. Yes that sounds like a lot, but it is just pennies compared to what we are paying.

We will, in fact we are seeing inflation. Get your house in order as you may not have much more time.

Here Is Your Secretary Of Treasury

Sec. Geithner has to say about the proposed budget. Interesting though is the remarks he made about the interest we are paying. In 2009 we were paying $187,000,000,000 per year. Today we pay $844,000,000,000. You can thank the QE1 and QE2. If inflation continues to rise so will our payments. If you have not started to prepare, you better. We will be seeing massive inflation sooner that later.

Here Is Obama's Budget Director

Listen to what this guy has to say. He doesn't include the interest payments as part of the budget. WHAT!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Pale Horse Riding In Egypt

I don't know if this has been "doctored" so look for yourself. My personal belief though, is that since it was apparently captured on a camera live on MSNBC it has not been "doctored". Now, I guess it is possible that someone had tapped into the live feed and placed the image on there for the world to see. Anything is possible in today's digital world. Look for yourself.

If this video is real, and I'm not sure that it is, we all should look at Isaiah 19 (NAS) 1.The oracle concerning Egypt. Behold, the Lord is riding on a swift cloud and is about to come to Egypt; The idols of Egypt will tremble at His presence, And the heart of the Egyptians will melt within them. 2."So I will incite Egyptians against Egyptians; And they will each fight against his brother and each against his neighbor, City against city and kingdom against kingdom."
Many on the internet are saying that this image is a smudge or a reflection or even a rain drop (although it wasn't raining then). Why is it there and then it's not? I don't think it is a smudge as it just shows up and then it's gone. As far as a reflection goes, the image goes behing a light pole and people at some point. A reflection doesn't go behind objects. Here is the link to the original MSNBC video which captured this object. The video runs for over 14 minutes, but the object can be seen at about 10:27. The two little "reflections" that can be seen following the "horseman" can also be seen at about 9:57. It is interesting though that the object seems to move when the camera pans, so I'm not sure what this object is. Did the cameraman see the object in his viewfinder and follow it as it moved, or did the cameraman move the cameraa and the object moved with the camera (hence depecting a reflection). I cannot explain why objects are seen "in front of" this object though.

If you believe it is a sign, then you probably already know that the book of Revelations speaks to the four horsemen, with the fourth horsemen riding on a "pale" horse. The greek translation though describes the color a "chloros" which stands for green. The forth horseman also is the horseman of death. Here is a link to Wikipedia about the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

What about the thousands of dead birds falling from the sky, thousands of dead fish washing ashore around the globe, and countries rioting. I am not a theologian, but these are strange things happening all at once. We are living in strange times. If you are not saved, then I would say that you need to get right with God. If you are saved, well you have nothing to worry.

All of us should Prepare...

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Is Another Financial Crash Certain?

After reading this article, it would seem we are in serious financial trouble.

Why Another Financial Crash is Certain

Here is some excerpts. Look at some of the numbers the author quotes. I had not heard of number this high!

On August 9, 2007, an incident took place at a bank in France that touched-off a financial crisis that that would eventually wipe out more than $30 trillion in capital and thrust the world into the deepest slump since the Great Depression. The event was recounted in a speech by Pimco's managing director Paul McCulley, at the 19th Annual Hyman Minsky Conference on the State of the U.S. and World Economies. Here's an excerpt from McCulley's speech:
"If you have to pick a day for the Minsky Moment, it was August 9. And, actually, it didn’t happen here in the United States. It happened in France, when Paribas Bank (BNP) said that it could not value the toxic mortgage assets in three of its off-balance sheet vehicles, and that, therefore, the liability holders, who thought they could get out at any time, were frozen. I remember the day like my son’s birthday. And that happens every year. Because the unraveling started on that day. In fact, it was later that month that I actually coined the term “Shadow Banking System” at the Fed’s annual symposium in Jackson Hole.
“It was only my second year there. And I was in awe, and mainly listened for most of the three days. At the end....I stood up and (paraphrasing) said, ‘What’s going on is really simple. We’re having a run on the Shadow Banking System and the only question is how intensely it will self-feed as its assets and liabilities are put back onto the balance sheet of the conventional banking system.’”
Subprime was the spark that lit the fuse, but subprime wasn't big enough to bring down the whole financial system. That would take bigger ructions in the shadow banking system.  Here's an excerpt from an article by Nomi Prins which explains how much money was involved:
"Between 2002 and early 2008, roughly $1.4 trillion worth of sub-prime loans were originated by now-fallen lenders like New Century Financial. If such loans were our only problem, the theoretical solution would have involved the government subsidizing these mortgages for the maximum cost of $1.4 trillion. However, according to Thomson Reuters, nearly $14 trillion worth of complex-securitized products were created, predominantly on top of them, precisely because leveraged funds abetted every step of their production and dispersion. Thus, at the height of federal payouts in July 2009, the government had put up $17.5 trillion to support Wall Street's pyramid Ponzi system, not $1.4 trillion." ("Shadow Banking", Nomi Prins, The American Prospect)
Dodd-Frank – the financial reform act -- is riddled with loopholes and doesn't really resolve the central issues of loan quality, additional capital, or risk retention. Banks are still free to issue bogus mortgages to unemployed applicants with bad credit, just as they were before the meltdown.

President Barack Obama understands the basic problem, but he also knows that he won't be reelected without Wall Street's help.  That's why he promised to further reduce "burdensome" regulations in the Wall Street Journal just two weeks ago. His op-ed was intended to preempt the release of the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission's (FCIC) report, which was expected to make recommendations for strengthening existing regulations. Obama torpedoed that effort by coming down on the side of big finance. Now, it's only a matter of time before another crash.

So, between $4 to $7 trillion vanished in a flash after Lehman Brothers blew up.

Ironically, the New York Fed doesn't even try to deny the source of the problem; deregulation. Here's what they say in the report: "Regulatory arbitrage was the root motivation for many shadow banks to exist."
What does that mean? It means that Wall Street knows that it's easier to make money by eliminating the rules....the very rules that protect the public from the predation of avaricious speculators.
The only way to fix the system is to regulate all financial institutions that act like banks.  No exceptions.

After reading the whole article you will see why we are still up to our eyes in trouble.
