Well, look what we have here. Here is a government definition of Personal Defense Weapon. I have highlighted some things I find interesting and have added my comments in highlighted and underlined text.
The scope of this contract is to provide a total of up to 7,000 5.56x45mm North Atlantic Treaty Organization(NATO) personal defense weapons (PDW) throughout the life of this contract to numerous Department ofHomeland Security components. Wow, 7,000 PDW for what purposes?
Here are a few of the key elements of a PWD as defined by our own government.
The firearm shall be able to be operated by a left or right-handed user without permanentmodification.
The action shall be select-fire (capable of semi-automatic and automatic fire). Hmm, but we cannot have automatic fire for defense?
The action shall fire from a closed bolt.
The action shall be gas operated.
The action shall have a bolt catch that automatically locks the bolt to the rear upon firing thelast round in the magazine. The operator shall be able to manually use the bolt catch to lockthe bolt to the rear with the magazine removed from the firearm. When the bolt catch isdepressed the bolt shall return to battery position.
The magazine catch shall securely retain the magazine in the magazine well. The magazinerelease shall be spring loaded and be designed to prevent inadvertent activation. The magazinerelease, when depressed, shall disengage the magazine catch and permit the magazine to fallfree from the magazine well.
The action shall possess a firing pin designed to prevent accidental discharges if the firearm isdropped.
The firearm shall be designed in such a way that the operator can clear a malfunction usingimmediate action without the use of special tools.
The firearm shall be able to be safely operated by a shooter wearing gloves.
The action shall be capable of accepting all standard NATO STANAG 20 and 30 round M16magazines (NSN 1005-00-921-5004) and Magpul 30 round PMAG (NSN 1005-01-576-5159). Well, seems that they need greater than ten round magazines for defensive purposes, but we aren't allowed that privilege. The magazine well shall be designed to allow easy insertion of a magazine.
The receiver top shall be equipped with an integral MIL-STD-1913 Picatinny rail for mountingsights and other accessories. But, we cannot attach any accessories to our defense weapon.
The firearm shall be capable of being field stripped without the use of special tools.
3.9.13 The firearm shall be designed so that components cannot be readily assembled incorrectly or inreverse, thus rendering the firearm inoperable.
3.10 Fire Control Selector.
3.10.1 The fire control selector shall have three positions; safe, semi-automatic, and automatic. Theselector shall have positions which are clearly labeled for the mode of fire.
3.10.2 The selector shall operate manually without binding from one position to another when thehammer is cocked.
3.10.3 The selector shall remain in place in each position under spring detent.
3.10.4 The selector shall be capable of being checked for position both visually and by feel.
3.10.5 The selector shall be movable between the mode of fire positions by the operator withoutmoving the firing hand from the shooting position.
3.10.6 The selector shall be designed to allow for operation by left and right handed shooters with noparts changes or modification.
3.11 Trigger
3.11.1 The trigger shall return to its normal forward position under spring action after partial orcomplete trigger pull.
3.11.2 The trigger pull shall not be less than 5.5 pounds and not exceed 9.5 pounds.
3.12 Overall Length.
3.12.1 The overall length of the firearm shall not exceed 30 inches with the stock fully extended.
3.12.2 The overall length of the firearm shall not exceed 20 inches with the stock fully retractedand/or folded. What, a collapsible and/or folding stock for a defensive rifle?
3.13 Weight. The unloaded weight of the firearm (without magazine) shall not exceed 7 pounds.
3.14 Barrel.
3.14.1 The barrel shall have a rifling twist rate of 1 in 7 inches.
3.14.2 The barrel bore and chamber shall have a corrosion resistant and wear resistant coating ortreatment that is equal to or better than chrome plating.
3.14.3 The barrel shall be equipped with a flash suppressor and/or muzzle brake. But, does a personal defensive weapon really need a flash suppressor? The muzzle devicewill be rated on its ability to reduce muzzle signature. It is desired that the muzzle deviseeffectively reduces muzzle rise during firing.
3.14.4 A minimum barrel length is not specified. It is desired that the barrel length be as long aspossible while maintaining the overall length requirements of Section 3.12.
3.15 Caliber. The firearm shall be chambered for 5.56x45mm NATO.
3.16 Pistol Grip.
3.16.1 The pistol grip shall be a fixed, vertical pistol grip constructed of a durable material.3.16.2 The pistol grip shall be designed for use by right or left handed shooters. Okay, now we've gone too far. It also has that evil people killing pistol grip!
3.17 Buttstock.
3.17.1 The buttstock shall be easily adjustable for length of pull.
3.17.2 The buttstock shall be either collapsible or folding. Collapsible or folding. Seems like I see a trend here.
3.17.3 The firearm shall be fully operational with the buttstock either fully extended and/orcollapsed/folded.
3.17.4 The buttstock, if a folding design, shall not readily move from the folded position.
3.17.5 The buttstock, whether collapsible or folding design, shall be able to be deployed using thenon-firing hand without removing the firing hand from the pistol grip.
3.17.5 The butt plate shall either be serrated, checkered, or be manufactured from a non-slip material.
3.18 Forend.
3.18.1 The front forend shall incorporate MIL-STD 1913 Picatinny rails on the top, bottom, and bothsides to accommodate the attachment of optics or accessories. A top rail and forend rail system. This is needed for a defensive weapon? What are they going to attach?
3.18.2 It is desired that the forend Picatinny rail sections be capable of being removed or added. Ifrail sections are removable, the sections shall be designed/constructed to not readily loosen.
3.18.3 The forend shall be constructed of durable, heat resistant material.
3.18.4 A one-piece monolithic forend/upper receiver is acceptable.
3.19 Sling Attachments.
3.19.1 The buttstock shall have slots capable of accepting a 1 1⁄4” wide sling and/or have the capabilityto mount a removable sling attachment.
3.20 Finish.
3.20.1 The external finish shall be a non-reflective black, dark grey, or dark earth color.
3.20.2 The firearm exterior and interior shall be protected with a durable corrosion resistant coating ormade from durable corrosion resistant material.
3.20.3 The coating and materials shall be abrasive, impact, and chemical resistant equal to or greaterthan phosphated steel or anodized aluminum.
3.20.4 The interior and exterior surfaces shall be free of rough surfaces, voids, cracks or othermanufacturing defects.
3.21 Magazine.
3.21.1 Magazines shall be compatible with standard NATO STANAG M16 design.3.21.2 The magazine shall have a capacity to hold thirty (30) 5.56x45mm NATO rounds.3.21.3 Two (2) magazines shall be supplied with each firearm shipped under contract. Why cannot I have 20 or 30 rounds for my defense?
3.22 Sights.
3.22.1 Front Sight Assembly.
The front sight shall have a black or dark gray non-reflective finish. The front sight shall becapable of being removed and/or be a fold down design. The front sight post shall beprotected.
3.22.2 Backup Rear Sight Assembly.
The rear sight shall have a black or dark gray non-reflective finish. The rear sight shall have atleast one aperture of no less than 0.20 inches diameter. The rear sight shall be capable of beingremoved and/or be a fold down design. The rear sight shall be mounted at the rear of thereceiver. The rear sight shall not interfere with the mounting of optics. The rear sight shall beadjustable for windage and from at least 100 to 300 yards/meters elevation. But what are these 7,000 rifles going to be shooting at from 300 yards?
This would be a similar weapon that is listed in the contract above.

Well, there you have it. In our governments own words they have given us the definition of a personal defense weapon (PWD). It is good enough for their defense, but we are not allowed to have these for our defense. My question still stands....why does DHS need 7,000 of these rifles AND the 1+ billion rounds of ammo they have put out for contract? What are they expecting?
Keep your powder dry folks.