Friday, March 19, 2010

The Battle Is On

Better keep your eyes on the health care issue this weekend. It will mean we will be paying much more for items and our taxes will likely increase if it passes. How will our government pay for this monster if it passes? Conservatively it will cost $940 billion over the next decade. Folks we already run this country with a deficit every month. How will we add close to another $100 billion yearly? Print more money? Sell our debt (Treasury bonds) to foreign countries, which by the way they have slowed down buying as Moody's contemplates lowering our AAA status. Look at what Caterpillar is saying...

Caterpillar: Health care bill would cost it $100M

All bussinesses will have additional costs due to this health care bill. If you think companies will just absorb this additional cost, get your head out of the sand. They will pass this cost on to there customers. Prices will go up, taxes will go up and over time your health care system will decline.

Expansion of powers of IRS in bill

Don't think that you won't have to pay for health won't be free.

"Boustany said the bill would allow the IRS to confiscate refunds if there are penalties for not buying health care."

Yep, there will be mandatory health coverage and you will pay for it. Oh yeah, we will be paying for it!

Follow closely. I will try and update over the weekend.

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