Friday, June 11, 2010

Chaos, Anarchy To Reign....

Well, it could get ugly for NY by Monday if a deal cannot be reached. Monday could be doomsday if budget deal can't be reached according to Gov. Paterson. Do you boys and girls realize what this would do? One of the most populous states in America without the means to continue running it's government!

"Such chaos includes closing all state parks, motor vehicles offices, courts, and even the lottery. Public assistance payments would not be made and unemployment payments might also be held up."

Wow, not that will cause chaos. When the entitled society cannot get their money to buy the stuff they are used to getting, things will get ugly. This won't stop here though. What about the thousands of employees at these area that will be shut down. They won't be working, so they will enter the unemployment lines...oops, the unemployment offices will be closed because they don't have money. See where I'm going? The domino effect will be huge. What about the coney dog vendor on the sidewalk outside one of these state office buildings, guess he better not order more dos just yet, because he may not have any customers on Monday.

"Sources said the next emergency bill from Paterson will have up to $350 million in cuts to human services and mental health. But Republicans, who could become Paterson's new allies in the budget battle, aren't satisfied with that.

They want $750 million in new cuts like:

1. Delaying the 10 percent welfare grant increases
2. Withholding welfare from those who don't comply with employment requirements
3. Reducing the personal needs allowance of people in drug and alcohol programs"

They way it looks, somebody has to give. But someone is going to take it hard. $350 million or $750 million, either way the entitlement society won't like the outcome. NY is going broke and the governor is trying to cut back on spending, but a couple democrats don't want any cuts. How will they dig themselves out of the hole if they don't cut spending? The Dem's don't want to take away any money from their constituents as that may cost them votes in the next election. It won't end good either way, but spending cuts now is the best choice. Let's watch and see what happens.

Keep you eyes open on this as it may be heading to other states/counties/cities and even our country.

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