In this blog, I am posting some things that I have noticed since my last post. These are what I would consider warning signs. There are many more, but I don't have the time to post them all. If you notice, they are not from "right wing media" or "gloom and doom sites". If you want more, let me know and I'll post some others.
1. The world and America are becoming more volatile. Even the United Nations is warning the global employment crisis will stir social unrest. Look at what is happening in other parts of the world.
2. Quantitative Easing 2 (QE2) is right around the corner and there is possibly a chance that QE2 could equal $1 trillion. This I believe will put a nail in our coffin. We cannot absorb another $1 trillion in debt. They have already started QE2 to a tune of $27 Billion thus far. The Fed is prepping for more easing.
3. U.S. dollar is `One Step Nearer' to crisis as debt level climbs. The dollar index is dipping nearer to the 72 level. Look at what the dollar index has been doing over the last year.
4. If you haven't noticed, Gold has reached a high of $1322 and Silver is over $22. You may want to look at investing some in precious metals. As all investing opportunites, you should monitor your investments closely. When investors, and countries, want to seek a safe haven they buy precious metals. Whan the dollar loses value, gold and silver prices increases.
My advice to everyone is to start prepping
I have only posted a few things, but there are many more. We could talk about inflation, deflation, Federal Unfunded Liabilites, Cap and Trade, Failed banks, and Bailouts to name a few.
YOU may not get any more warnings. The warnings are here. It is time YOU pay attention and act.
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