Okay, it's only a few days to go to the dreaded fiscal cliff. Both parties are maneuvering to win the hearts and minds of their constiuants. Let's break down a few points.
1. The Republicans are in a no win battle. They are struggling with what side to take. If they support raising taxes on the rich and leave taxes alone for the "98%" then they will likely lose many dollars in their re-election campaigns. Think about it...they get big bucks from the 2% not only in cash, but in bundling and kick backs. If they leave things alone and let the car drive off the cliff, well they lose votes. That's right, many people that are in the 98% will switch over to voting for someone who promises "not to raise taxes" instead of the clown that raised taxes while in office. They are struggling with what to do. No good answer for them especially if they come up for re-election in two years.
2. The Democrats cannot lose. If the car does go over the cliff they point to the Republicans as the ones who made your take home pay less. If the Repubs cave and allow the tax rebates expire for the 2% but keep the rebates for the 98% then they look weak and siding with the Democrats...and hence lose votes and money. Dems win either way.What is the real problem? Spending! Bingo, that's the WHOLE problem and no one, Repubs or the Dems want to face this issue. Why doesn't Boehner come out and say "we don't need to cut taxes or change the tax laws, what we need to do is have a balanced budget and only spend what we take in. In fact Mr. President, why haven't you had a balanced budget since you have been in office? Mr. Reid, why hasn't the Senate required the President to have a balanced budget or heck even a budget that the Senate can approve like is required by law?" No, we don't hear anything come out of his mouth. In fact, we don't hear anything like that come out of any politicians mouth. Where are our elected officials that took an oath to uphold the laws of this great nation?
People, I will tell you that this soap opera will continue right down to the 11th hour and then a deal will be made. A day after the "deal" we will see officials from both parties on the tube touting what "they" did, despite the opposing party, to help the people and "save America" from plummeting off the cliff. What saddens me is that NO MSM reporter will nail either party with the spending issue. They let this slide right on by and allow the politicians to dodge the real issue, spending.
We will hear that if nothing was done, then we would be laying off policemen, firemen, teachers and garbage will be piling up in the streets. The government will have to lay off employees in all departments and the Social Security checks and EBT cards will be stopped. Medicare and Medicaid will have funding reduced or stopped. Bravo Serria on this.
Look at a few more points.
1. We now have Obama phones for people unemployed. Why you ask? Well they need to have a way for all the potential employers to contact them. If they don't have enough minutes, then they can purchase more. What! These people are out of work, have a free phone and can buy more time? Shouldn't they be spending that money on food, or utilities?
2. Food, well they get EBT cards. And now the amount of people receiving "food stamps" is 1 EBT holder for every 6.5 people employed.
3. Well if you are looking for a job, you need a computer. Yep, you guessed it. There is a government program to assist with a purchase of a computer.
4. A computer is no good without Internet. Yep, if you qualify, you can get free or reduced Internet services. All in the name of seeking jobs.
5. That computer doesn't run on solar power, (yet), so we need to allow them to have help paying the electrical bills, all in the name of getting a job.
6. The computer will get destroyed living in the woods, so we better help them with housing...enter Section 8 housing.
7. And how will they get to work when they get a job? Well I'm sure they will have a government program to assist with that soon, if it's not already in place now.
Spending is out of control and will get worse. We have 51% of our voting people that are ill-informed. They are also the majority of the people that are receiving handouts from the government. We are not going to get our budget under control until the CONgress gets their $hit together and stop pissing in the wind. The $2 trillion spending cuts that the President was proposing is over ten years. Yep, we would knock off a big $200 billion from the deficit each and every year. The ill-informed will look at that and say, well at least we are doing something. And they are correct, we are still going into debt a trillion dollars each year!
Let's look at something else while we are talking about the debt. We are at $16 trillion currently and pay about a measly 2% interest rate (and you wonder why Big Ben is keeping the interest rates low?). That means we are paying approximately $320 billion just in interest payments. If the interest were to rise just 3% then we would be paying $800 billion. What, you don't think interest rates will climb? I would say...OPEN YOUR EYES! The borrowing rates for banks is essentially zero, it cannot go lower and can only go up. When, dunno. But I do know it will go up and when it does it won't just climb to 3% it likely will jump and jump big. But let's just leave it at 5% in four years. If we don't get spending under control and continue down the same path we are on now, we will have another $5-6 trillion in debt for a grand total of $21-22 trillion by the end of 2016. At a 5% interest rate that will be $1,000,000,000,000+ per year in interest and that doesn't include the principal payment. So in four years our interest rate jumps from 2% to 5% ( which I think is low) and our interest payment jumps from $320 billion to $1000 billion plus. WE CANNOT KEEP THIS UP! Where are the Statesmen? Where are our Patriots? Can you say III Congress? (look it up)
And QE 3 of $40 billion a month for mortgage securities and now QE 4 of another $45 billion a month forTreasury Bonds? Both programs are for infinety or until unemployment drops below 6.5%. has anyone told the idiots in DC that this has been tried before, enter Japan, and IT DOESN'T WORK! You cannot buy your way out of high unemployment. So now we are spending $85 billion a month (forever)...where are we getting that money? Do the math that's another $1020 billion a year. I guess since there is no written budget we can just add it in. Isn't that how you do it at home with your budget?
So, the President and CONgress want to lower our deficit by $200 billion a year for ten years but we increase our debt by over $1 trillion just with QE3&4 and another trillion just because we keep spending more than we take in. So, we really will be increasing our debt by $2 trillion per year so at the end of Mr. Obama's next four years we will be up to about $26 trillion in debt. Now that changes the interest rate scenario a bit...at a low 5% rate, we will be paying $1300 billion per year in interest! Folks, I believe this is a strong possibility of becoming a reality.
The requested 2013 budget by the President is $3.8 trillion in expenditures with anticipated revenues of $2.9 trillion. Both those numbers will be adjusted through the year with the expenditures increasing and the revenues decreasing, count on it.
While I'm ranting, elected officials come to mind. Senator Inouye , who just passed away last week, had been in the Senate for 49 years. The MSM is seeing this as a good thing, (the time serving as a Senator not the dying thing). I cannot see that someone serving that long as an elected official in CONgress is a good thing. They get ingrained and bought by special interest groups. These groups donate en mass to these officials. Look at some of our members of CONgress.
John Dingell, (D), 57 years
John Conyers, (D), 47 years
Charles Rangel, (D), 41 years
Bill Young, (R), 41 years
Thad Cochran, (R), 39 years
Pete Stark, (D), 39 years
Don Young, (R), 39 years
Patrick Leahy, (D), 37 years
Max Baucus (D), 37 years
Chuck Grassley (R),37 years
Tom Harkin (D), 37 years
George Miller (D), 37 years
Henry Waxman (D), 37 years
Ed Markey (D), 36 years
Harry Reid (D), 26 years
Nancy Pelosi (D), 25 years
John Boehner (R), 22 years
When was the last time ANYTHING good came from one of these members? Have you heard from these "experienced" memebrs of CONgress on how is the best way to balance the budget? Fix the cliff thing? Fix the economy...oh wait you can do that by just spending what you take in...I had to help them a bit here. Increase the employment for the American people? Help small businesses...as they do employ approximately 70% of the workers.
Here are the term limits I would propose;
President-two 4 year terms and no other Federal office
Vice-President-two 4 year terms and only can serve one 4 year term as President then no other Federal office
Senate-two 4 year terms
House-three 2 year terms
Supreme Court-two 6 year terms
No person could serve more than 12 years at the Federal level.
Well, here is my rant for the end of 2012. Like it, hate it or deny it. Your choice. I know I'm not looking forward the the next four years and it's not just because who was elected in November. It's because of what is coming through the tunnel...and the bright light IS a freight train and it's just shifted into high gear and picking up speed. There are 535 people in DC making decisions for the 300 million living here legally (oh don't get me started on illegal immigration). Why can we not get them to listen to us? Oh, wait...maybe because there is still the 51%...the ill-informed. We are outnumbered. Get ready.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Fiscal Cliff, Spending, CONgress, Ill-Informed Rant for 2012
Fiscal Cliff,
III Congress,
Illegal Immigration,
Term Limits
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