Have you given much thought to what it would be like if we had a real economic depression. Not one that is being covered over by the Fed with monopoly money, but when the Fed has run out of money and no one wants our IOU's.
Look at what is happening in Detroit. There is 40-50% real unemployment, homes selling for a dollar, 33,500 homes for sale, 91,000 residential lots for sale and a city government that has a deficit of $300 milion. The city also wants to bulldoze 25% of the city!
What about California? Unchecked drug dealing, high percentage of illegal immigrants, tidal wave of unemployment, budget deficts, crime, and forclosures.
Even the big apple is being hit with a violent crime wave. Murders up 22%, shootings up 14%, and packs of gun weilding youths causing terror even on Easter day.
"Yet the return to New York of atrocity-filled front pages has helped to fuel speculation that a golden age of crime-fighting may be coming to an end as long-term unemployment and economic pressures turn more people to crime."
We all need to have a plan for when, I mean if...no I mean when, the economy collapses. If you think the Fed can continue to prop up the stock market, the banks, housing, auto and appliance industry, main street USA and continue to pay the millions of people unemployed you are delusional. Remember they are also taking over health care which won't be cheap. You need to prepare for your family or you will be refugee's. What will you eat and drink? Do you have food stored and a way to prepare it? Do you think water will still come out of your faucet? Maybe it will, but will the city have the chemicals to make it safe to drink. Do you have a water filter like a
and know how to use it? How will you protect what you have? There will be people that will want your food, your property, your clothes, your electronics, plasma TV, your vehicles (or more likely the fuel in it) and I hate to say it, but they may want your wife and children. There will be roving hoards with guns and ammo just like there is currently in New York city. Do you have weapons (I like
pistols) and have practiced with them? Are they reliable? Do you have
ammo for them? If you don't, how will you protect your family and whatever food and water you have stored? Don't plan on living a life you are accustomed to. Power may be limited if available at all. This means you won't have lights, radios, TV's, or Heat/Airconditioning. Take a moment right now and look around you. What do you see that won't be there if you don't have electricity? Can you live right now without power for a week? How about for a year? Don't think that could happen, what do you know about
's? Here is a great book about life after an
. My wife read it and said it opened her eyes.
Now is the time to think about survival for your family. It can be an overwhelming thought, but if you start a little at a time, it can be done. Well, I'm not sure it is ever done, but whatever you do now, will help you if
does happen. I am adding a link to my blog for survivalblog. Look in theirIt is rich with information and will be a great place to start learning. I will be starting to post more about survival prepardness to try and help you as well. I will post about food storage, water treatments, weapons and gear needed to help you and your family survive.
I'm not trying to scare anyone, but if this means that you are motivated to get somethings done that will keep you alive, so be it. I will continue to post about the economy, housing, banking, etc.
Keep you eyes open.
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