What if I tell you that the top 1% wage earners pay over 40% of all taxes collected. What about the top 5%, 10%, or 25%. Let me tell you, the top 25% pays over 86% of the taxes and the top 50% of wage earners pays over 97% of the taxes. Have you done the math yet...that means the bottom 50% of wage earners pays less than 3% of the taxes.
Now, what if I told you the top 25% wage earners AGI (adgusted gross income) is $66,532 and the AGI for the top 50% is $32,879.
I want you to look at this link which shows data through 2007. If you look back, you can see that in 1999 the bottom 50% was paying 4% but eight short years later the same lower 50% is paying only 2.89%.
What I see here is that we have 50% of the wage earners that are paying less than 3% of the taxes. If this decline continues, which it has been at least for the last 8 years, 50% of Americans will be paying no taxes within a few years. When that happens, more than 50% of the people are not paying for any government services. This means if a politician running for president campaigns on "reducing government" there will be 50% or more that will not want to see that person elected. This means less and less people will be incurring the cost of government, and those that are paying will be paying more. And, as we already know, government does not get smaller. It will need to get bigger and bigger as more and more people will rely on the government for entitlement programs. This equals SOCIALISM. The definition of Socialism according to TheFreeDictionary.com is; Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy. or; an economic theory or system in which the means of production, distribution, and exchange are owned by the community collectively, usually through the state. It is characterized by production for use rather than profit, by equality of individual wealth, by the absence of competitive economic activity, and, usually, by government determination of investment, prices, and production levels. Compare Capitalism.
I don't believe we have much longer to get our country back. We need to spread the news, news like this, to our friends and family or we will not recognize America. As many of the people that know me know that I'm an outdoor kinda guy. I like camping and hiking so I visit many websites pertaining to these interests. There is a term, or acronym, that is used on some of these sites called TEOTWAWKI. This stands for The End Of The World As We Know It. There is another one, TSHTF, which means The Stuff Hit The Fan (I'm keeing this PG-13). Well, I have another one that I have not seen used yet. It is TEOAAWKI. This stand for The End Of America As We Know It.
Friends, TEOAAWKI is approaching. If you don't want to see TSHIF, you better start paying attention, reading, learning and start talking to your friends and family and letting your elected officials know you are watching everything they are voting on. If you are unable to do all of these, you better start preparing. A good book to read would be Patriots, by James Wesley Rawles
My next post will show you how we might me able to turn this around.
Keep your eyes and ears open....
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