Thursday, June 3, 2010

Here Comes Government Media

They are losing the media battle. There are blogs, online news websites that run 24/7 such as  and the newspaper has become useless even as a fish wrapper. The newspaper moguls need a bailout, but the White House doesn't want to use the term "bailout" because Mr. O has stated "no more bailouts". So what to do? Well enter the FTC, Federal Trade Commission.

The FTC wants to save journalism. This article asked "who asked the FTC to save journalism?" I can tell you who asked...the newspapers and MSM asked. They have seen viewers and subscriptions decline over the last several years. They need a bailout and they have the right administration to do the job. Let us use a Federal agency to do the job, let's reinvent media like it used to be. By doing so they will have millions of "journalists" on federal payroll. They plan on calling it Americorps.

"Subsidizing news organizations by increasing government funding to public broadcasting; establishing an AmeriCorps to pay reporters; giving news companies tax credits for employing journalists; creating a national fund for local news, and giving the press an increased postal subsidy."

Where will the money come from? Where else does the gov get money....FROM US! There will be increased taxes on electronics, and who else knows what else. They will once again gain control of the media and likely limit the type of information that will be able to be released. I am being paranoid you say. Well they have taking over the auto industry, the banking industry, the housing industry (the Fed owns Fannie and Freddie) working on taking control of Wall Street and Health Care and now the media. How can you say I'm paranoid? By having control of the media, they can control blogger's and conservative websites.

Keep your eyes WIDE open on this one!

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