Sunday, June 19, 2011

Be Careful Who You Listen To...

America, you are being played. The main streem media, or should they be called the lame stream media, are giving you the slant that they want you to hear. This may not be the truth though as this video shows.  Be careful who you watch and listen to, as you may not be getting the whole story (or even part of the real story).

Saturday, June 18, 2011

America...A Third World Country? Is It Coming?

Well, I hope not, but reading this it sure sounds like we are heading towards trouble.

Are You Ready For 3rd World America?

The US economy is literally on the ledge of a cliff.
Today, the Federal Government accounts for 35% of incomes and salaries in the US. That’s over one third of all income in the US coming from the Government’s ability to dole out funds.
What supports this largesse?
Money printing and our ongoing debt-orgy. And today, these are one and the same. The US Federal Reserve and Treasury have enacted policies so insane that the US Federal Reserve is now the single largest holder of US Debt with a balance sheet of  $2.8 trillion.
Let’s give that number some perspective. Germany, the world’s FOURTH largest economy is only $3.3 trillion in size. At $2.8 trillion the Fed’s balance sheet is larger than the economies of France, the UK, and Brazil.
Why is the Fed’s balance sheet so huge? Because US Treasuries are so unattractive to foreign Governments that the Fed has had to pick up the slack and buy our debt (usually within a week or two of it being issued).
Let me rephrase that: the US Fed is now printing money so it can buy US Debt because other investors are no longer interested in buying it.
This is just one of the various schemes Washington is employing to maintain its fiscal insanity. Another is the active raiding of pension funds to buy new US Debt (YES, the Treasury is doing this).
So… the US Government is now paying over 1/3rd of US incomes… and it’s financing this by having the Fed buy new debt from the Treasury.
Do you think this entire system might end up collapsing in a horrific manner?
And this is just ONE ASPECT of the nightmare that is the US Financial system. I’m not even detailing the $600 TRILLION in derivatives, the clear insolvency of the big banks (you know who I’m talking about), the FDIC running a deficit (are our deposits REALLY insured?), erupting inflation in food and energy prices, (Fed data CLAIMS prices FELL in the last four months) and the hundred other issues all of which will end very, VERY badly.
Regardless of how we look at the US’s current situation, it is clear that 2008 will NOT go down in history as THE Financial Crisis for the US. No, 2008 will be considered the “warm-up.”
The reason for this is simple. 2008 was primarily the collapse of the private banking system in the US. The Fed’s response to this was to transfer the garbage debts that nearly took down the banks ONTO the US’s balance sheet.
Put another way, the Fed allowed the systemic risk to spread from private bank balance sheets ONTO the US’s public balance sheet… which means the next Crisis will involve not only Wall Street and the banks but the US as a whole.
I’m talking about a sovereign debt Crisis. The kind of collapse we’re now seeing in Greece… only for the single largest economy in the world as well as its reserve currency.
So what happens when this Crisis hits and a partial if not complete Government shutdown occurs? What happens when that 35% of incomes and salaries stops being paid? What happens when prisons and other Government paid services run out of money? What happens when the next major banking run reveals that there is no WAY on earth the FDIC can truly insure all the deposits in the US (other than more money printing from the Fed)? What happens when the US defaults on its debts?
THEN and only then will we experience the REAL Crisis of the US Financial system. It is coming. There is no doubt about it. And people are only just starting to wake up to it (nearly half of Americans now believe we’re going to have a Great Depression).
Smart investors and independent thinkers are already taking steps to get ready for this. With just a few key moves and strategies it WILL be possible to not only survive but thrive during the coming disaster.
On that note, I’m currently preparing my subscribers for what is going to be a REAL Crisis. We’re doing this by protecting our families, savings, and portfolios via several  high-impact protection strategies designed to keep these areas of our lives safe during the coming fall-out.
All in all, we’ve taken to prepare for any eventuality whether it be food shortages, hyperinflation, a stock market collapse, a government shutdown… ALL the disastrous outcomes I’ve described above.
So if you’ve yet to take action to prepare yourself and your loved ones for what’s coming… it’s not too late yet… but we’re getting close to it.
To find out more about how to prepare and even thrive during the coming economic fall-out…
Click Here Now
Graham Summers

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Mark Of The Beast

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Things seem to be happening quickly. I am using more of my spare time preparing and getting things ready for my family in case things should go downhill quickly. I still don't know when or what will happen, but I strongly believe something will. I try and read as many blogs, news sites, etc. so I can try and piece it together. If you have not started preparing, I would suggest you start.

About a year ago, not too long after I started this blog, I was contacted by a forum owner and asked if I would like to be the Medical Moderator at his newly formed forum. Being that he was a friend of mine, I said yes. I have spent more time there and posted more articles at that forum than here.

Hence, I will be posting more items at in the coming days than here. If you have not yet checked it out I would suggest you do so. There are many people that post over there that are very knowlegable. The site is very friendly as well. And best of all it's FREE! Come join us.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Greatest Depression Is Coming

I read this article today and it says it all. You may not be seeing the signs around us, but if you read this short article you should have your eyes opened. Many have said that America survived The Great Depression in 1929, but reading this article you may see why it will be a lot harder this time around. America needs to WAKE UP, or I fear it will not survive.

Here is the article in it's entirety.

Why the Greatest Depression of All Time Has Begun 

By Wayne Allyn Root, Former Libertarian Vice Presidential Nominee

I am a successful small businessman and a patriot who loves America and always sees its greatness. I am also an optimistic, positive thinker who always sees the glass half full.

But not this time.

I predicted doom if Obama was elected. Sadly the results are far worse than imagined. The economy is in shambles. America is staring at economic disaster -- Armageddon. Even me, the eternal optimist is scared at what the future holds. We are the Titanic, headed straight for the iceberg.

America has always been a land of boom and bust. It’s just part of business cycle. But Obama and his socialist cabal have channeled Hoover and FDR, who turned an ordinary bust into The Great Depression with a toxic strategy of more government, more spending, more debt, more rules and regulations strangling business, higher minimum wages, more power to unions, more entitlements, higher taxes, more printing of money by Fed, and trade tariffs. This is the Obama blueprint squared.

The question this time is, is Obama doing it because he understands nothing about business? Or does he understand exactly what he's doing? Is Obama's goal to overwhelm the system, incite crisis, sow doubt about capitalism, and force the citizens to beg for government to save them, thereby opening the door to Socialism? Is Obama's plan to redistribute the wealth, and at the same time to bankrupt the people with wealth and power, thereby crippling his political opposition?

Does it really matter?

Here's where the story gets downright frightening. This time the results are going to be dramatically worse than 1929. This time we are facing The Greatest Depression ever.

Why? Because The Great Depression had NONE of problems and obligations we are now facing:

In 1929 America was not $100 trillion in debt and unfunded liabilities.

In 1929, most of our states were not bankrupt, insolvent and dependent on the federal government to survive.

In 1929, we had far fewer government employees living off taxpayers. Today 1 out of 5 federal employees earn over $100,000. California lifeguards and Las Vegas firemen earn $200,000. 77,000 federal employees earn more than the Governors of their states. Government employees retire at age 50 with $100,000 pensions for life. The postal service - without competition- loses $8 billion annually. Protected by their unions and the politicians they elect, government employees are bankrupting America. Even FDR said he could not imagine allowing public employees to unionize.

In 1929, Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid didn’t exist. The federal government had no such obligations threatening to consume the entire federal budget within a few years.

In 1929, there was no such thing as welfare, food stamps, aid to dependent children, or English as a second language programs. American’s didn’t consider it the responsibility of government to pay for breakfast and lunch for school students - let alone illegal immigrants.

In 1929, we didn’t have millions of illegal immigrants and their children collecting billions of dollars in entitlements from U.S. taxpayers.

In 1929, legal immigrants wanted only to work. My grandparents from Russia and Germany received no government benefits. They worked day and night to provide for their family and become American citizens. It was sink or swim.

In 1929, we had 150 million citizens with a strong work ethic- all motivated to earn the American Dream for their children and grandchildren. Americans were hungry in 1929. Today the hungry, motivated citizens and entrepreneurs are in China and India.

In 1929, we had an education system that was the envy of the world. Today our public schools are in shambles. We spend the most in the world, and get among the worst results. The difference today? Teachers unions are in charge, instead of parents

Our students are taught socialism and the great benefits of big government. They graduate with few skills, qualified only for low paying manufacturing jobs that no longer exist- they've been shipped to China and India. What will this workforce do for the rest of their lives? Live off the government dole? Who will pay for it?

In 1929 children had hope for the future. Today they are hopeless, helpless, and clueless – an entire generation that only knows drugs, gangs, rappers, government handouts, teen pregnancy- and it goes downhill from there.

In 1929 taxes were much lower. Forget the tax rates- they were meaningless. In those days we had a cash economy, so most businesses paid little or no taxes. Sales and FICA taxes didn’t exist. Today the combined local, state, property, gas, sales, FICA and federal taxes are the highest burden in history. This stifles entrepreneurship and hinders the financial risk-taking necessary to create jobs and get out of a Great Depression.

Do you get the picture? Disaster looms. We are staring at the Greatest Depression ever.

Still doubt me? Did you read the recent news report of 80 teen girls all pregnant in one Memphis high school? That’s 80…eighty…in one high school. This is happening all over the USA. Who will pay the bills?

We are in deep, deep trouble. There is no easy way out. The noose is tightening. The economy is crumbling. The situation is turning more hopeless by the hour. The more government gets involved, the worse it gets. Coincidence?

The solution is simple- cut government, cut spending, cut entitlements, cut taxes, stop the wars, end the Fed, term limit politicians, and back the dollar with a gold standard. Or, like so many other great empires of history, America may never recover from this Greatest of All Depressions that Obama is driving us directly toward.