Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Lobbyists, Transparency, 5-Day rule, Hmmm?

Well let's count how well he's doing.

Lobbyists...Back in January 2009 it was reported there were 12 lobbyists working in the Obama Administration.  Here are a few according to Politico article dated Jan 28, 2009.

1. Eric Holder, attorney general who was a registered lobbyist until 2004 for Global Crossing, a bankrupt telecommunications firm.

2. Mark Patterson, chief of staff to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, was registered to lobby for Goldman Sachs as recently as 2008. Hmmm?

3. Cecilia Munoz, White House director of intergovernmental affairs, was a lobbyist as recently as 2008 for the National Council of La Raza, a Hispanic advocacy group. Look up La Raza.

4. Patrick Gaspard, White House political affairs director, was a lobbyist for the Service Employees International Union. Have you heard of SEIU recently? Double Hmmm here?

5. Melody Barnes, domestic policy council director, lobbied in 2003 and 2004 for liberal advocacy groups, including the American Civil Liberties Union, the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, the American Constitution Society and the Center for Reproductive Rights.

Transparency: Well what about all the back-door meetings that occured just with the health care debate. And remember the time the White House would not allow some of the hearings on the health care debate to be shown on C-Span?

Pork Barrel Spending/Earmarks: www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2009-03-10-congress-spending_N.htm
7.7 Billion in earmarks just in the spending bill back in May 2009.

5 Day rule: Don't need to go back very far on this one. He signed the Health Care Bill today. Did it not just pass on Sunday? Must be the way the government calculates, I mean they always seem to have a different meaning for things, so 5 days really means 2 days? Hmmm.

Do I need to continue? Really, he didn't tell you the truth then, so why now?

Keep your eyes open...

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